I was invited to be the host at a women’s congress for Campus Crusade for Christ next to Miss Universe Paraguay 1999. “Today’s Women”, is the name of the movement. Among the attendees, 80% were women; leaders from all over Latin America and Judy Douglas, wife to the President of Campus Crusade for Christ. Judy was an inspiration to me.
The Lord surprised me when I was asked to speak at the conference on Resurrection Sunday. You see, I met my children on Easter 2006 and here I was yesterday sharing the wonderful love of God.I spoke about Adoption! He adopted us as His children and just as it happened with David and Julia, when God adopted us, He gave as His name and also an Inheritance.
What does adoption have to do with Resurrection? There is the obvious answer and then, there is a more personal answer: He provided a resurrection on an area where we were dead. David and Julia are a resurrection miracle for Brian and me.
“Lord, send me a surprise.
One that catches me off guard
and makes me wonder.
Like Easter.
Send me a resurrection
when everything looks dead and buried.
Send me light
when the night seems too long.” Dr. Herbert Brokering
I challenged the women to do a self-analysis and ask the Resurrected Lord to resurrect what might be or seem dead in their own lives.I thank God for the opportunity to advocate for adoption to this group of very special women.
After I spoke, I heard so many encouraging words. Many women were crying and even Brian, my husband, the only man allowed at the conference, was also crying. One woman told me that she will go back with the Hope that the Lord will resurrect her marriage. Some other adoptive mothers that were there thank me for bringing up the adoption topic among Latin women, where generally adoption comes with a stigma. I explained how adoption changes everything and how it is a wonderful display of God’s love.
One woman came to me afterwards and told me that my testimony helped her to decide to take the path of adoption and to me that is just too wonderful for words!
Oh, I was forgetting!!! I went to Lima to promote my first ever book. It is called Un Minuto Con Dios (One Minute With God) It is a devotional – 50 reflections to share with you spouse. It is based on the first 50 radio programs – I know, I forgot to write about our radio Program!
This is all part of our ministry to the Spanish speaking people, here in the USA and in Latin America. I speak about our children on this book also. Let me know if you would like a copy – I still owe Glo a copy of my CD, I still have her home address, and time just go by too quick …