His House Gala only 2 weeks after surgery

If you are looking for a place to support in South Florida, look no more! We love the people from His House. Here I got this picture with the founder “Mama” Jean.

Jean is one of those rear people that are living a life of significance doing what their heart and the Spirit of God inspired them to do. She is practicing true religion, taking care of the orphans of South Florida and the foster children; 350 of them.

I just had surgery (to have my uterus removed) 2 weeks before the event Last Saturday. I got flat shoes, stay only for 2 hours, but did not want to miss the event! I am glad I was there to express our support.

I met one beautiful 10-year old girl that night, while I was touching up at the bathroom; she is at the Home with two more siblings: I was inspired!
I also met in the bathroom, a woman with 6 children that is adopting a 12 year old girl from His House, and I was also inspired.
Thanks so much Jean for your hard work. Their web site is: www. hhch.org

1 comment:

Marilise said...

Querida Rebeca!
Que bom te ver tão bem!!! estivemos orando por sua cirurgia!com certeza DEUS esteve cuidadando e livrando sua filha e serva Rebeca...
Parabens ao traballho da Mama Jean!
Que Deus possa estaR prosperando e multiplicando a bondade do coração das pessoas que trabalham em HIS HOUSE!!!
um grande abraço a voce e Brian!