Our First Rainbow Together

Julia and David got to see their first rainbow yesterday! Right outside our window.

I got my camera and was able to get a picture of Julia’s face as Papi was holding her proud. One of the joys of parenthood is to be there for all the “first” experiences; by being an adoptive parent, the amount of “first” experiences we get to share with our children are less.

We can either lament saying “what if we had the opportunity to adopt our children at an earlier age” or we can just Take in and treasure the opportunities we get to share. I have chosen the second option.
We also went to the mall o see the Christmas train. Here in this picture david is wearing the outfit auntie B got from san Francisco. Auntie B got both, David and Julia traditional Chinese outfits. Julia looked really oriental, exotic and beautiful; David looks like a prince.

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