Edméia faleceu - my good friend died last night

Let's pray for her husband and her little baby girl Maria Eduarda.

Lord we remember Edméia with gladness of heart and thankful for her life and the moments we had together. We thank you for your salvation for we know that there is Hope for us your children even after death. We pray for Brazil, her husband and Maria Eduarda, her daughther, that your Holy Spirit would confort them in these dificult moments. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

This is the last email message I got from Edméia:

"Hoje de manhã tentei falar contigo Rebeca, no skype e não deu certo. Mas quero dizer que estou por aqui! Torcendo por vocês... sei que são momentos especiais de preparativos para a chegada dos bebês, e estou tão feliz! Quero dizer para vocês aproveitarem esse momento com muita alegria para que fique registrado em seu coração o presente que Deus está dando para vocês. Que esses preparativos sejam momentos de satisfação, alegria, sorrisos e muita, muita paz!"

Eo agradezco a Deus por la oportunidad que tuve de falar con Edméia cuarta feira, ella estaba muito feliz. Estou com muita tristeza y saudades.


6blessings said...

Oh Rebeca, I'm so sorry to hear about her death. I thought things were going better from one of your last posts. We will keep her husband and daughter in my prayers. I hope you are doing okay. The death of a friend is very difficult.

Deb said...

Rebeca I'm so sorry to hear the news. Our prayers are with you and the family.
Will you be able to travel there for the services?

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and hers.

Melissa said...

Our greatest sympathies on your loss. I just got your comment on my blog. We are using World Child, not Moscow adopt. Congrats on bringing your little one home.

Suz said...

Oh Rebeca, I'm so sad to hear this news. I know you were encouraged earlier to know she had improved. I will certainly keep Brazil and the baby in my prayers - as well as you, her sweet friend.

TraciB said...

My heart breaks at this news. I cannot imagine the mix of emotions to have the gift of a beautiful daughter and lose her mother. I wish this family strength and pray that they will find some comfort in this time. Maybe someday the mystery of why this would happen will be answered. Surely such great pain must have some purpose. This father must be a very strong man because it is said God does not put on us what we cannot handle... I have wondered the truth of that many times but am here to see it was true for me.
We can only pray he will believe in himself enough to make it through.
My condolences but even more so well wishes for them in their futures.