Everything cleared up yesterday

Everything cleared up yesterday.

Thanks so much for your prayers!

We went to court on Tuesday and the judge did not rule. That is the most unsatisfying experience in this whole process. She said we had to wait for one paper, Brian and I could not figure out what this paper was … we left it in God’s hands and just did all the facilitator told us to do. Yesterday we got the confirmation that our papers are all in and that the Judge granted us favorably … This means we are not delayed in the process and we will probably be keep the schedule. We have the 10 day wait period for both of our kids which we will spend in Barcelona with our adoptive friends.

We will be back here on the 12th to do all the rest of the paper work.

Special thanks to Mom and dad Knowles and everybody at their department at Billy Graham for their Prayers. Thanks to mami for taking care of the house and Lola. Thanks to all our friends praying at church back home (Vicky and Craig, we know you are God sent) thanks to our blogger friends for your support and prayers.

D is terrified of cars, we took him to do the passport picture (2 minute drive) he almost dies of an anxiety attach, let’s see how he does in an airplane … for 16 hours!.

By the way, our luggage got in just fine!!!


6blessings said...

Wow!! Congratulations!! I know that must be a massive relief to know that they are finally yours! Have a good time in Barcelona! We will look forward to more updates.

Jennefer said...

Great news! I am glad that everything worked out in the end- court, the luggage. Congrats on your successful adoption! I hope you guys have fun in Barcelona.