We got home Last Tuesday

We got home Last Tuesday. Now the fun really starts!

We actually woke up at 4 am to take our first plane to Frankfurt (around 3 hours), the ride was great and the kids behave just fine, then, we had to take our flight from Frankfort to Miami (9 hours and 10 minutes): we hardly ate at all in the whole trip, David went to sleep in papi’s lap and Brian did not wanted to move, we did not wanted David awake and wanting to play during the plane ride. Julia was with me, slept 1 hour and the rest of the time we played, sang, etc. A flight attendant actually came over and told us that our kids behave very well, “there are so many kids crying and you can hardly hear yours” she added.

Well we were so tired, by the time we got to Miami it was some insane hour for us I think around 10 or 11 pm for our clocks. I thought we were going through immigration and they were going to look at my kids passports, hand a flag to us and say “Welcome David and Julia to the United States” but it was not like that, they took us to this room full of people, to wait for our turn … I started to get really tired and frustrated … there were at least 40 people before us there … you see anyone that comes in an is asking for political asylum, or have a green card process to finish at entrance, or any one that just look fishy to them, goes to this room!!

We prayed God would give us favor, and He did, we were out of there within an hour … then we did the walk towards the baggage claim area, I had Julia in a Hip Hammock, a back pack and David in a stroller while Brian took care of our luggage .. we got through the custom and I saw my sister Debbie and her husband Richard … and I cried like a little girl … I just could not believe we were finally home with our kids and that I did not have to worry so much anymore about some paper work missing that could hinder the adoption process … I just let it all out in a big, big cry and I am so glad Debbie was there she is so sweet and helpful.

Then the car seats .. first time in a car seat .. they behaved like .. “I knew it! This people are not as nice as they pretended for this last week” finally they calmed with cherrios! Thank God for Cherrios!!!

Then we got home, I was so glad to see my mother and my Lola; by the way, we taught David to say Lola when we were in the plane! It was so good to be home.

The last wee was hard; so many people had said to us “Life changes forever when you have kids” and I just could not believe how much!!!

We are in the adapting phase still, I got really sick with a cold and then I ate something and got a bad stomach problem, did not feel good at all for some 3 days. Today I am feeling better, have some more strength.

All my family cried when they met our children, they all see God’s miracle of adoption and I think it really paints a wonderful picture of all of us, and how God adopted us as children …

My mother has been a great help! She helps me with the meals, the naps, etc. but most of all her company and her prayers.

David’s 2nd birthday is tomorrow; and tomorrow also, will be two years my father passed away …. That still amazes me … David was born the day my father died.

Grandma and Grandpa Knowles are just counting the days .. they will be visiting for a week starting this Saturday, we are all waiting anxiously, they say they are coming by land since their van is full of gifts (Oh my!) Auntie Brenda will be here also, it will be great to have the family together for the 4th of July celebration; but most of all, we will be presenting our kids to the Lord this weekend .. just an official ceremony with family and very closed friends.

The kids are very happy, they smile a lot. Julia was the one that in the orphanage visits, the only emotion she showed was through tears .. she cried so much with me I was concerned!
Now, she is just Mommy’s girl, she wants me all the time, I am teaching her to stay some time by herself so I can get to do the ordinary things … but it feels so good that she loves to be with me … David learned to run to me while I open my arms and say in Spanish “David, come, run, run to mami” and he opens his arms and runs to me and hugs me … I think they are as happy as we are to be home!


Suzanne said...

YEAH! I'm all teary reading your news. So happy for you.

Deb said...

Sounds like you are all doing wonderful. So glad you made it home safe. How wonderful that the family will be there to dedicate the kids to the Lord this weekend. Such special times and memories.
Welcome Home Knowles!

Anonymous said...

5 more days... :) (I have to work faster on my Auntie Bunnie gifts).

Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful to hear you're home safely, and yes, I cried like a baby myself when I saw our 3 year old son George running to me in the airport! What an emotional rollercoaster!

The Atlanta airport's immigration system must handle more adoptions than Miami's. We had that closed manila envelope from the US Embassy, which we simply handed to a guy, and we never stopped moving. Her citizenship certificate arrived a couple weeks ago...very nice!

I, too, caught a cold the first week back! Hang in there, and don't try to over-do. I'm glad you have so much assistance; my mom, too, has been indispensable. I think everything is working out great! Your children are precious gifts, are they not?

I've just spent several days writing an article about our adoption journey this past year for our church's ladies' quarterly newsletter. Entitled, "From Russia, With Love," I explained how the Lord's timing is perfect, and it has been a hard lesson in life. My first sentence as a young child was "me do myself." Rather through infertility or lengthy singleness (my situation), we can get so discouraged thinking on OUR terms! Look back now, and look back periodically these next months, and you will be so amazed at God's love and provision! He has never forsaken you! Count it all joy, right?

Didn't mean to write an epistle. You'll continue to be in our prayers, and I hope we are in yours! Love, Vicki

6blessings said...

My eyes weren't dry through the whole blog. How exciting! We leave in 3 days to go get our boys and the emotion level is so high right now. A week from now, hopefully, they will be all ours. Reading your blog, I caught a glimpse of how awesome it will be. Praise God that He adopted us and that we can also take part in the miracle of adoption. God bless your family in the next few weeks as you adjust to your new life.

Anonymous said...

Feliz aniversário David!
Espero que um dia possamos comemorar seu aniversário aqui no Brasil, numa bonita festa.

O Senhor te abençoe e te guarde.
Que todas as bençãos que o Senhor tem para vc possam te alcançar.

Que vc possa crescer forte, confiante, alegre, seguro, cheio de amor.

Com amor, Cida.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being home. Can't wait to hear more about the kids and how you are all adjusting.

Suz said...

Rebeca, I'm so glad to hear you're home and I am looking forward to hearing more about how things are going and also to seeing more pix of those darlings!

It is such a miracle, adoption. Praising God with you!