The gift that came through the pain of infertility

My sister Raquel is planning an adoption baby shower for us this weekend. Thanks Raque!

My good friend from work asked me today at lunch if there was a possibility at this stage of our adoption process for it to fall through. I know what she was trying to say, for she cares for Brian and I and she has seen me cry before.

You see, working on IT you always have to think of all possible scenarios and be prepared for it just in case. I answered: “If I have to write the test cases for this “project”, I would have to have some scenarios that would handle that possibility.” I also know that being an IT person, I should then be cautious and ask my sister to have the baby shower when we come back … Just in case! When the “project” is finished and “successful”

Infertility taught me a great lesson: I am not in control. It is a hard pain to go through but I feel I have the gift today to know for a fact, with no doubts that I am not in control. I know that some people think they got pregnant because they …. were relaxed, did not drink as much coffee as I do, maybe did better research, were brave to go through more invasive treatments, etc, etc, etc. the truth is, they are not in control either.

So, why do I consider the simple act of realizing that I am not in control an actual gift for my life? Because it takes me closer to the conclusion that God is in control and that He can be trusted! For He is good. If I believe that God has control over my life … that changes everything! Every possible scenario has to vent to the place He finally wants.

So, I am praying for the best outcome and I know many of you are, for what we are SOOO thankful; we really don’t know what the future holds … but we know Who holds the future!!!

I also have Hope … (another precious gift) “To hope is to anticipate. It is more than dreaming, however. It is possessing within ourselves an expectation that someday there will be the fulfillment of that desire. It will become a reality. Hope always looks to the future, it’s always on tiptoes. It keeps us going. It makes a dismal today bearable because it promises a brighter tomorrow” Charles Swindoll

So, I will celebrate this weekend together with my family and friends the gift of communion and fellowship in the Hope and the prayers that Y and D will be soon our children.

I thank you Lord for the pain of infertility, for it is hard and hurts but really has taken me closer to you, it has taught me You are in control, it has kept me in this humble place of needing You and your provision and I just don’t want to leave that place for you are my real treasure.


Deb said...

Such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing your feelings and have fun this weekend.

Anonymous said...

You guys are SO close :) I am very excited for both of you, and most excited for the two wonderful children that have chosen the perfect family for them!

11 days to court!!

:) Lorien

glo said...

My daughters adoption of her baby girl Elia, started with the infertility route.

I spent Mother's day weekend making a thread about Even the Eagles have to wait on the Lord. It is under my BLOG titled Glo's journey to...well I don't know yet.

I can tell by the way you write and your strong faith that you would probably enjoy this particular thread. Is:40:31, has always been a special verse to our family. It was part of the whole web site I amde fr Elia. This weekend's post follows eagles through the same process, or infertility, a family, caring for and finally launching. I hope you will stop by to see the thread.

Jennefer said...

This process really does humble us- because we are not in control. Thanks for pointing out that we can become closer to God because of our helplessness and dependence on Him.

I pray it all works out for you.

Suz said...

You are so right, Rebeca, I am glad that you are at the place of peace in knowing that He is in control.

Have a wonderful time at your shower this weekend!! Give us a report and pictures!

Suz said...

Can't wait to hear about your shower! Your court date is May 30??!! How on earth did you get it so quick - I must say I'm jealous :o(

Suz said...

Rebeca, in answer to your question on my blog. D came home at 11 months wearing a 3 and I'm buying 3's and 4's to take for baby V. The ones that don't fit I'll leave for the orphanage. I traced V's foot when we were there and it was a 3 at 13 months.

Joannah said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! This is a wonderful post. I don't know how people who don't have faith get through international adoption (or any challenging time in life)without losing their minds. May God continue to provide and encourage you both on your journey.

Anonymous said...

Rebeca e Brian, obrigada por compartilhar este momento de suas vidas conosco. Louvamos a Deus por suas vidas e por tudo que significam para nós.

Que presente maravilhoiso vocês estão recebendo de Deus:experimentar a adoção de filhos. Acho que agora vocês conseguem entender um pouquinho mais do amor de Deus por nós e sua capacidade de nos adotar através de seu Filho Jesus.
Nos alegramos com vocês.

Saudades, Cida Barreto Ribas.