Jesus, our wonderful hope, comes to accomplish in our lives what man cannot.
The Child of Hope is Jesus!
May the New Year be filled with Christmas Hope!!
On Decempber 2nd 2006, David saw Elmo "Live" for the first time at my niece's B-day party and he loved him!!!
Brian and I were really busy just trying to keep up with our two active toddlers on a Sesame street theme party. They loved the singing the dancing, the ice cream cones and of course, Elmo.
Julia is learning the meaning of the expression "Fashion first" It was a little hot outside but we kept the whole outfit the entire party! She is Mama's girl.
The B-day girl was beautiful, like always .. my dear niece is also my goddaughter so this was a very special celebration for us. My sister made this cheese breads that were amazing!! It was nice to enjoy with all our nieces, nephews and our friends kids!
Before and after picture of Julia and Papi.
Papi was the first man Julia ever saw in her entire life until she was close to one year old and now she loves to dance with him at home.
Papi sings this song: “someday your Prince will come …” and Julia gives her hand to papi to position herself for dancing and she pretends she is singing with him. I think is good Brian is practicing for Julia’s “big day” this early, but knowing him, when the “day” comes, he won’t be able to sing the song … he will probably just cry … just like grandpa.
Julia has a great personality. She loves to sing and dance. At night, after I give her the bottle, she knows is time for singing lullabies, so she starts imitating my singing to get me started. It is such a precious moment. Then she puts her two fingers in her mouth telling me she is ready for her own bed.
I can believe that Julia’s referral description was: “shy and quiet girl” that is so not my Julia anymore. You should see her when we are in public, at church, the Latin restaurant, etc. she comes in and says “hi” to every person she sees … and smiles as she was a personality saluting … and she is not quiet either she can hardly say 20 words but she knows how to have a discussion and make herself understood and of course she pretends of having this long conversations at the table with whoever wants to listen.
Julia used to say only Paapa and not mama, but 2 days ago as we were in the car coming back home from David’s school, I said: “Julia say: we are Home” and she said “OMMM” so then I said: “Julia if you can say Ommmm, you can say mmmammma” then she said: Mmaammaa!!!! I am so proud of her! Is like she got it and now she says it a lot!
Let's pray for her husband and her little baby girl Maria Eduarda.
Lord we remember Edméia with gladness of heart and thankful for her life and the moments we had together. We thank you for your salvation for we know that there is Hope for us your children even after death. We pray for Brazil, her husband and Maria Eduarda, her daughther, that your Holy Spirit would confort them in these dificult moments. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
This is the last email message I got from Edméia:
"Hoje de manhã tentei falar contigo Rebeca, no skype e não deu certo. Mas quero dizer que estou por aqui! Torcendo por vocês... sei que são momentos especiais de preparativos para a chegada dos bebês, e estou tão feliz! Quero dizer para vocês aproveitarem esse momento com muita alegria para que fique registrado em seu coração o presente que Deus está dando para vocês. Que esses preparativos sejam momentos de satisfação, alegria, sorrisos e muita, muita paz!"
Eo agradezco a Deus por la oportunidad que tuve de falar con Edméia cuarta feira, ella estaba muito feliz. Estou com muita tristeza y saudades.